"Slow Damage Review (with spoilers)"

"Slow Damage Review (with spoilers)"

uluyaJ 0 4 10.25 05:25
It was a god game.

The greatest masterpiece of all time. The truth revealed gave me goosebumps.

I don't regret playing it. Especially for those who are mentally scarred, it's more helpful than clumsy encouragement.

If you haven't played it yet, please play it and increase sales of Slow Damage until the fan disc comes out.

★Story rating

Taku = Madarame > Fujieda > Rei

★Favorite character

1. Madarame

2. Taku

3. Fujieda = Rei

I liked how Taku's true feelings slowly emerged. You can also feel the frustration of the two. You can see that Taku truly cares for Towa.

Madarame's violence scenes in the first half were gruesome, but the way they were wrapped up in the second half was good. I also liked how he was actually worried about Towa in a different part of the TV show. It was a mutual love, and I was able to understand that this was a world of its own, a form of love.

I wish they had dug deeper into Fujieda's past in the first half, but I think it was great that the scenario was able to consider Towa's past and events with other people at the same time.

I no longer felt the need for Rei to be a BL story.

I understand that it expresses the contradiction between being gay and having a different gender identity. But it seems like it will be difficult because the father won't be fair right away and it doesn't seem like he's really aware that Rei is a man lol

The casino is interesting.

Towa is hot in "Congratulations on graduating from virginity."

The scriptwriter was amazing.

The art and music were great.


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