"New production of the Cosmos Troupe "Casino Royale" in Tokyo, and Oji Rise is absent"

"New production of the Cosmos Troupe "Casino Royale" in…

ulJfLr 0 1 10.26 21:31
On Thursday, May 18, 2023, the Cosmos Troupe performed Casino Royale for newcomers (Tokyo).

It was also streamed, so I'm sure many people came to see it.

Compared to Takarazuka's new production, it went much smoother.

For example, when Bond (Oji Rise) pulls out a gun from her breast pocket in the opening.

For example, when Delphine (Mihoshi Hona) takes off her costume on the silver bridge.

It's more interesting when Delphine slacks when she changes her clothes live.

Delphine's costume gets caught on her heels and she looks a little anxious, which is also cute.

Bond, who helps out, is also very helpful.

The newcomer production condensed the two-and-a-half-hour main production into about an hour and 45 minutes.

Thanks to the careful selection of Hiramatsu Yu, who is in charge of new productions, the story was easy to understand.

Rather, there were some parts that I understood after watching the new production.

Sometimes new performances are just brushed-up versions of the original.

They are often more organized and easier to understand.

I felt this most clearly in Hanagumi's "Winds of Yamataikoku" (new performance: Aiko Kashibata).

Which side do the characters come out from, right or left, and which way can they go?

I remember being surprised at how much the story became clearer just by sorting that out.

The basics are faithful to the original performance's direction, though.

Hiramatsu-sensei's 007 digest version is even bolder.

While faithful to the original performance's direction, it's easy to understand and doesn't feel like the time has been shortened.

If anything, the story progresses at a faster pace, making it even more interesting to watch.

Perhaps it was because Koike Shuuichirou-sensei incorporated plenty of playful parts along with a solid framework that it was easy to decide what to keep and what to cut.

I was happy to see both the Takarazuka and Tokyo versions of the new performances.

The Tokyo version has grown significantly, and has made a big leap forward, using the Takarazuka New Performance as a springboard.

The appeal of the New Performance is its immaturity and tension.

In that sense, the Takarazuka version was more worth watching.

Now that I've seen the Tokyo New Performance, I feel like I was even shown a dress rehearsal.

Personally, the Takarazuka version was the New Performance that left the biggest impression on me.

The Tokyo version is the finished product that cleared the challenges there.

Leading the cast is Oji Rise (105th class, 5th year),

The heroine is Mihoshi Hona (105th class, 5th year),

The second lead is Aone Arisa (103rd class, 7th year),

And it was a New Performance where I felt the growth of all the students in the New Performance class of the Cosmos troupe.

In his opening remarks, Oji expressed his gratitude for this last chance to learn from Masukaze Suzuho (92nd class, 18th year).

Masukaze is a male role that looks masculine just by standing there.

In fact, he's cooler than real men.

I'm so glad you had this valuable experience, Bond Jr.

This promising star, Oji Rise, will be absent from the performance from 3:30 pm on Saturday, May 20th.

It has not yet been decided when she will return.

Is it an injury or illness?

Whatever the case, we hope she does not overdo it.

We hope she rests up and recovers quickly.

We look forward to the day she returns.


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